Le Panoramique Hotel by Celexon i Bujumbura

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Avenue De La J.R.R, Bujumbura, Rohero, BI Burundi
Kontakter telefon: +257 22 27 85 82
Hjemmeside: www.celexonhotel.com
Latitude: -3.3878185, Longitude: 29.3696884
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Kommentar 5

  • Berry de With

    Berry de With


    Good facilities. Excellent internet connectivity

  • Hugor Ininahazwe

    Hugor Ininahazwe


    Nice and clean building. They are very welcoming

  • King JN

    King JN


    Great view of the city. Beautiful hotel, good food.

  • 227 thday

    227 thday


    $150 per night. Room is good but you can find other better and cheaper hotels in Bujumbura. The variety of breakfast buffet is as broad as Roca golf, but the taste is not.

  • Graham Wright

    Graham Wright


    Not a bad hotel just a bit like Fawlty Towers. No one seems to know whats going on, the lift is always broken, the service is slower than a snail and the wine is too expensive. The room was average and It was really just a stay for a conference which was held at the hotel. Luckily we went out for the Conference Dinner and a few other nights. Breakfast was OK if you could find where they were going to serve it, as they seemed to change the venue frequently. (Fawlty Towers never had that problem)

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