Arena club i Bujumbura

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6, Avenue de la R.D. Congo Postal adresse : BP2755 Bujumbura Burundi Bujumbura, Bujumbura, Burundi
Kontakter telefon: +257 76 39 99 99
Latitude: -3.381906, Longitude: 29.3680441
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Kommentar 5

  • Jeff Freelancer

    Jeff Freelancer


    A lovely and cool place

  • Ivan Corneille MAGAGI III

    Ivan Corneille MAGAGI III


    Très chaud!!

  • Ryan Martin

    Ryan Martin


    Walking into this lounge is like being transported to Vegas or Miami. Great place to hang with friends and shisha (hookah) or watch football on their giant screen. The VIP table inset in the pool is a real treat if you can nab it. They have live music Thursdays and Sundays that's a great backdrop for your evening out. Their food is a must try. Good Greek offerings, but fantastic fish or chicken brochette. No cocktail menu but their bartenders can pour a mean gin and tonic with cucumber. The attached gym is a gorgeously designed space for crossfit and weightlifting.

  • Ousman-Luke Dejay

    Ousman-Luke Dejay


    Cozy place with live music. Good getaway space for lonely nights in Bujumbura 😁

  • Vincent Barbier

    Vincent Barbier


    Super ambiance. Super prof. Du matos varié pour faire beaucoup d'exercices différents. Et en bonus un parcours suspendu !

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